Associate Member - Non Piercer

(use this for counter staff/jewellery specialists if somebody in your studio is already a member)
Initial membership set up fee £50 annual renewal £30

Associate Member – Non Piercer

Associate Member - Non-Piercer

Use this form for Associate membership if you are not a piercer, but work full time in a studio with a member as front of house, jewellery specialist or similar. PLEASE NOTE This application will take approximately 2 hours to complete, it will not save midway. You will be required to answer multiple questions regarding the industry and be asked to provide many studio documents.
  • Documentation section

    Many items in this list will be required to be submitted each year to maintain your membership.
  • Drop files here or
  • Drop files here or
  • Health & Safety agreement

  • Please type your full name to proceed.
  • Questionnaire

    To ascertain your level of understanding we ask that you take time to answer each carefully. Your answers as well as all of your application will always remain private.
  • Logo agreement

  • Please type your full name to continue.